In June 2014, Addicus Publishing released the book “Divorce in Washington”, which was authored exclusively by David Crouse. Divorce in Washington is now available at the Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple store websites. It is also available on Kindle, Nook, and I-Books, and at the Addicus Publishing website, A courtesy book is always available to all firm clients.
November 20, 2013, David J. Crouse was a featured speaker at the National Business Institute Continuing Legal Education seminar, “Navigating Complex Asset Cases, Advanced Family Law”.
June 12, 2013, David J. Crouse and CPA Scott Martin of Anastasi, Moore & Martin are featured speakers at the Spokane County Bar Association Family Law Continuing Education Seminar “Staying in the Lines When Your Case Is Outside the Box”. Their presentation focused on business valuations in divorce cases.
Media Appearances
KLIV nationally syndicated radio appearance.